現在アフリカを訪れているU2のボノが、現地の綿花農家を訪問し対話を試みるとともに、アメリカやEUの農産物保護政策を批判し、これらの先進国はアフリカなど途上国の農産物に対してもっと市場を解放するべきだという発言を行っているらしい。以下、ロイターの記事より(ハワード・フレンチ氏のブログ'A Glimpse of the World' 経由)。
In 2004-5 U.S. producers received about $4.2 billion in federal subsidies, money that impoverished West African nations say depresses world prices and ruins their economies.
The West African producers have sought for several years to give cotton special status in the World Trade Organization talks, currently stalled over broader farm issues.
In his campaigning for Africa, Bono has lobbied leaders from the largest industrialized economies for better access for Africa to the large U.S. and European markets.
On his tour, Bono has argued that the only way Africa can escape the cycle of poverty is through increased trade.